
The Ginjer IoT Analytics Platform ( ) introduces a new low cost approach in deploying IoT solutions. Ginjer helps accelerate business decision making with powerful reporting tools and real-time data visualization, coupled with customizable device clusters, device management capabilities and user access management features. Companies can now deploy end-to-end solutions in shorter amount of time. This user guide will provide you step by step instructions on how to use the platform in an easy and efficient way. For any technical queries and support, please email us at

How it Works?

The Ginjer IoT Platform is a fully managed solution that allows you to easily and securely manage IoT data and devices at scale. Ginjer is agnostic to the communication protocol providing customers the ability to leverage the power of the platform with their network of choice. Management of devices, data visualization, and API integrations for mobile application development are all managed and maintained from Ginjer.

Features include:

  • Network Interoperability
  • Device Configuration and Payload Decryption
  • Solution Configuration
  • User Management
  • Data Analytics and Visualization
  • Mobile Application Integrations
  • Custom reporting and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) creations
  • Return on Investment (ROI) Calculations

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    Getting Started

    Before you can start enjoying Ginjer, you will need to create an account. The below steps will guide you on how to create an account, login to an account, join other accounts, and reset forgotten passwords.

    Sign Up

    To create a new Ginjer account, navigate to Ginjer ( ) and click on the “Create One” hyperlink.

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    On the Sign Up page, enter your personal details as shown below, enable the “Read and Agree to our terms and conditions” checkbox, and click on the “Sign Up” button.

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    After clicking on the Sign Up button, you should receive an email with the subject line of “Email Verification”. Open the email and click on the “Verify Email” button.

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    You will now be routed to the Ginjer “Sign In” page.

    Sign In

    To sign in, navigate to Ginjer ( ), enter your email and password, and click on the “Sign In” button.

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    Note: Leaving the A picture containing table

Description automatically generated checkbox enabled will not require you to enter your credentials next time you access Ginjer.

    Activate Your Account

    For new users, after successful login, you will need to click on the “Activate Your Account” button to enable your account.

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    In the “Activate Account” dialog, enter your Organization Name, Account Description, and upload your organization image (optional). Once you have filled out the specified information, click on the “Activate” button.

    Join Other Accounts

    To join a different Account, an Administrator from that account will send you an email with the subject line of “Ginjer Invitation”. Open the email and click on the “Accept Invite” button.

    After successful login, you will be routed to the Account Invitation page.   Simply click the “Accept” button to join the organization.

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    Note: if you are unable to find the invitation in your email, you can click on the “Accounts” icon and find the “Pending” Account(s). Simply click on the pending account to see the Account Invitation page.

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    Forgot Password

    In case you have forgotten your password, simply click on the “Forgot Password?” hyperlink.

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    Next, click enter your account email address and click the “Send” button.

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    After clicking on the Send button, you should receive an email with the subject line of “Forgot Password”. Open the email and click on the “Reset Password” button.

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    You will now be routed to the Ginjer “Reset Password” page where you will be able to set your new password. Click on the “Change Password” button to complete the process.

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    You will now be routed to the Ginjer “Sign In” page.

    Project Management

    The following section will provide instructions on how to navigate, manage, and configure your account projects. For each project you will learn how to assign solutions, add clusters & devices, create analytic KPIs, generate reports, and set up / manage notification alerts.

    Setting up Projects

    Adding a Project

    After successful account activation, you will need to create a project by selecting the “Add New Project” button.

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    In the “Add New Project” dialog, fill out the specified fields, select your desired solution(s), upload a project image (optional), and set the device limit. Once you have entered all the information, click on the “Save” button.

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    Defining Project Solutions

    By default, Ginjer comes pre-configured with solutions and are available for use. Simply enable the check box of the desired solution. To create your own solutions, please refer to the System Setup Solutionsection.

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    Setting Project Device Limits

    If managing multiple projects and you want to limit the number of devices which can be created per project, you can set the limit of the device by simply dragging the cursor left and right to the desired limit. Note: To increase your maximum device limits, please refer to the License Managementsection.

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    After clicking save, you should see your new project on the “Projects” page.

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    Setting Projects View Preferences

    There are two types of view options, Card view and Tabular view. To change your view setting, simply click on the desired button ( A picture containing drawing

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Description automatically generated ) located to the right side of the screen.

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    Project Icons

    The following information will be visible from the “Projects” page.

  • # of Users assigned to the project
  • # of Clusters added to the project
  • # of Devices added to the project
  • Status of the Project (i.e. Active A picture containing game, table

Description automatically generated or Inactive A picture containing game, table

Description automatically generated )

  • Activating / Deactiviating Projects

    To deactivate a project, simply click on the Project toggle button ( A picture containing game, table

Description automatically generated ). This will prevent users from accessing the project once set to the Inactive state.

    Editing / Deleting Projects

    To Edit or Delete a project, click on the Project menu bar ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ) and choose the desired menu item ( A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated or A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated ). Note: Only empty projects can be deleted.

    Viewing Project Details

    To enter a project, simply click on the project name link.

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    After clicking on the link, you will enter the “Project Details” section, defaulting to the “Dashboard” page.

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    Defining Clusters

    A Cluster is an area based grouping of devices to be or already deployed for your project. Clusters are important for enabling Ginjer’s graphical visualizations map feature. Clusters are used throughout the system for filtering, reporting, setting up alerts, and conducting analytics.

    Adding Clusters

    To create a Cluster, while in the “Project Details” section, click on the “Clusters” menu item

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    To add a Cluster, click on the “Add Cluster” button.

    In the “Add New Cluster” dialog, select your desired cluster type (i.e., Cluster for geo location cluster and Building for custom maps). For Cluster option fill out the specified fields, select your desired solution(s), and set the cluster’s location (latitude and longitude). Once you have entered all the information, click on the “Save” button.

    Note: By default, Ginjer comes pre-configured with solutions and are available for use. Simply enable the check box of the desired solution. To create your own solutions, please refer to the System Setup Solution section.

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    For Building option fill out the specified fields, select your desired solution(s), and set the cluster's location (latitude and longitude). Once you have entered all the information,click on the “Next” button.

    On clicking the “Next” button, add the floor details and upload the floor image (in JPEG, PNG format). Once you have entered all the information, click on the “Save” button.

    Multiple Floor details can be added by clicking on “Add Floor” button, and the same can be removed by clicking on bin icon besides the floor details. Once you have entered all the information,click on the “Save” button.

    After clicking save, you should see your new cluster on the “Clusters” page.

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    Add Floor Map

    New floor map can be added to existing building by clicking on the name of the building and clicking on “Add Floor Map” button

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    A picture containing large, street, black, red

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    Add Geo-Fence

    Click on the “Geo-fence” check box in map view of cluster to get “Add Geofence” button on the map.

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    Click on the “Add Geofence” button and enter the specified fields for geofence name, clusters to associate with geofence, Lat/Long of centre point of geofence and the radius of geofence(in km). Once you have entered all the information, click on the “Save” button.

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    After clicking Save, you should see your geofence on the map view of “Clusters” page.

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    Monitor Custom Maps

    In case of emergency, alerts will be shown as a running strip inside the custom map view. Floor will also be highlighted to show where the alert is triggered.

    Clicking on “View Now” button in the running strip will redirect to the floor map where the alert is triggered.

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    Note: All alert messages can be customised in Alerts section. Please visit Creating Alertssection to customise alert message.

    Setting Cluster View Preferences

    There are three types of view options- Map view , Card view and Tabular view. To change your view setting, simply click on the desired button ( / / A picture containing drawing

Description automatically generated ) located to the right side of the screen.

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    Click on the "Geofence" check box to show geofence related details.

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    Editing / Deleting Clusters

    To Edit or Delete a cluster, set you view to Tabular view, click on the Cluster menu bar ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ) and choose the desired menu item ( A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  or A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  ). Note: Only empty clusters can be deleted.

    Editing / Deleting Geofence

    To Edit or Delete a geofence, set you view to Tabular view, click on the geofence menu bar ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ) and choose the desired menu item ( A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  or A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  ).

    Viewing Cluster Details

    To view details of the Cluster, depending on your view setting, click on the cluster icon A picture containing clock

Description automatically generated  or enable the desired check box . 

    Cluster details will be seen once your Solution has been expanded.  Note: No details will be visible until you have added device to the clusters.  To learn how to add devices, go to the Managing Devices section.  An example of the Cluster details is below.

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    Viewing Geofence Details

    To view Geo-fence details, click inside the created geo-fence on the map.

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    Filtering by Solutions

    You can also filter Cluster data by Solution.  Simply select the desired solution in the “Solutions” filter drop down list to view only that solution data.

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    Filtering by Devices

    You can also enable “Device View”, which will hide all cluster icons and only show the Device icons of your Clusters. To enable Device view, set you view to Map view, and click on the check box located to the right of the “Solutions” filter field.

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    An example of the Device view is below.

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    To see live data from a device, click on the device icon, and a popup with device data will appear.  An example of the device popup is below.

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    GPS enabled devices Live Tracking

    Click on the GPS enabled device and then click on “Live Tracking” button.

    After clicking on the live tracking button, click on the “Waypoint” toggle on popup with the device details to generate live waypoints.

    GPS enabled devices History Tracking

    Click on the GPS enabled device and then click on “History Tracking” button.

    After clicking on the history tracking button, select from date and to date with timestamp on popup and click on the done button.

    Managing Devices

    A Device is an Internet of Things (IoT) hardware or piece of equipment which contains one or many sensors used to detect it’s surrounding elements and transmit the data wirelessly.  Devices can also be called as an “End Nodes”, “Sensors”, or simply “Nodes”.  Ginjer provides users the ability to connect devices and stream data to the platform for processing.  Devices are used throughout the system for filtering, reporting, setting up alerts, and conducting analytics.

    Adding Devices

    To create a Device, while in the “Project Details” section, click on the “Devices” menu item

    To add a Device, click on the “Add Devices” or “Add new device” button.

    In the “Add New Device” dialog, fill out the device specified fields, select your desired cluster, and select the device type (LoRaWAN/ BLE/ Wi-Fi). If LoRaWAN device is selected then fill out the device details and network details in the fields provided. To visually see it on the Cluster's map view, you need to provide the location (latitude and longitude) of where the device will be installed.

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    If BLE/Wi-Fi device is selected, then fill out the data fields configured for the device. Once you have entered all the information, click on the “Save” button.

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    i) Before being able to add a device, you will need to setup a Network and obtain a Network Key from your network provider.  Please refer to the Network section for more information.

    ii) For TTN Networks, please enter the device “dev_id” in the "Name" field.

    After successfully adding your new device, you will see it appear in the Devices page.

    LoRaWAN devices will appear in the LoRaWAN Devices section:

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    Non-LoRaWAN devices will appear in the Non-LoRaWAN Devices section:

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    Note: The device will not have any data to show until the device sends a packet.  The time it takes for this to occur is completely dependent on the device’s communication interval and the network server’s routing setup. 

    After the device sends a packet successfully to Ginjer, you will start to see the packet data on the device card. The device outputs icons and values configured in the Solution section will be visible.  The main output selected would determine the icon present in the Clusters section and the main reporting values.

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    Bulk Device Uploads

    To bulk upload devices, click on the “Bulk Upload” button.

    Before uploading the excel file, click on the “Download Sample file” button.

    Note: Maximum upload devices limit: 2000

    Add device information on the sample file with the help of fields suggestion.

    After adding all the device information to the excel file, click on the “Choose File” button to upload the excel file.

    You will get a “Devices Processed Successfully” message if the file is uploaded successfully.

    You will get a “No Devices Were Uploaded” message if the file is not uploaded successfully. Click on the “Download Log File” Button to understand the error.

    You will get a “No. Devices Processed Successfully” message if the file is not uploaded successfully. Click on the “Download Log File” Button to understand the error, and click on the “Download File” button to see failed devices excel file.

    Mapping Devices

    To map a Device to custom floor maps, while in the "Project Details" section, click on the "Cluster"" menu item. 

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    Click of the Building Name and then the Floor name where devices are to be mapped.  Click on the "Map Device" Button for mapping the devices. 

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    While in the "Map Device" view, double click on the required position on the map and select the LoRaWAN or Non-LoRaWAN device to be mapped.  After mapping all the required devices, click on the "Save" button. 

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    Note: No devices can be mapped to the floor map if the devices are not added to the requisite floor in "Device" Section. 

    Setting Device View Preferences

    There are two types of view options, Card view and Tabular view.  To change your view setting, simply click on the desired button ( A picture containing drawing

Description automatically generated or A picture containing drawing

Description automatically generated  ) located to the right side of the screen.

    Editing / Deleting Devices

    To Edit or Delete a device, click on the Device menu bar ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ) and choose the desired menu item ( A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  or A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  ). Note: Only devices which have not communicated packets can be deleted.

    Send Downlink

    To send downlink from the device, you need to click on the Device menu bar ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ) and choose the desired menu item ( A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated ) to send downlink for that particular device.

    After you click the option, a popup appears with controller list.

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    The controller list will fetch all the controllers configured for this particular device in setup section.

    Select the desired Controller from the “Controller List” drop down list and enter the desired value in the “Controller Value” field.

    For example, the image below demonstrates how we send a downlink to a luminaire controller. The device has a controller configured named “Toggle”. This controller has been configured to accept two values (true or false) which will control the on/off switching of the light in which the device is integrated with.

    Once the desired controller/value is populated, click on the “Send” button to send the downlink.

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    After you press “Send” button, the system shows “Downlink Sent Successfully” if it receives a success message from the network server.

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    If the system receives a failure from the network server, it will show a “Downlink Failed” message in the same manner. Note: an exclamation mark will appear on the device card as well.

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    While downlinks are being processed, you will see a message that states, “Downlink Successfully Queued”.

    Note: The final message displayed will remain visible for 24 hours.

    Device Details

    You can view the device details by simply clicking the device link on the card.

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    Once you enter the “Device Details” page, you will be able to view the device details on the left panel, which includes details populated during the adding device process.

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    In the same page, you will find the device output values located at the top portion of the page. Note: Outputs which are configured in the associated solution will have the correlated icons, labels, and colors reflected.

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    Below the outputs, you can view device historical data in a table format.

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    The data can be fetched based on different duration preferences. To fetch data, simply select the desired duration under the drop-down list.

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    Choosing the “Custom Date” option will require you to set a “From date” and “To date”.

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    The amount of data displayed is dependent on the number selected in the “Show X entries” drop down list.

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    Once the data is generated, you can navigate to different pages leveraging the pagination features at the bottom section of the data.

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    Filtering Device Data

    You can also filter Device data by Solution, Clusters, Outputs, and Conditions.  Simply select the desired values and the view will automatically update with your filtered data.

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    Using Analytics

    Analytics is critical to decision making and understanding how to improve operational efficiencies within an organization.  Ginjer’s analytics enables users to make sense of what the devices are sensing.  Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and other kinds of metrics can be created in Ginjer to provide real-time insight on the overall project performance. These forms of metrics are called “Widgets” in Ginjer.  This section will help you create, modify, and pin different kind of Widgets for analysis of device data.

    To create a Widget, while in the “Project Details” section, click on the “Analytics” menu item.

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    Adding Pages

    The Analytics section contains Pages and Widgets.  Pages are used to organize widgets per your liking.  To create a page, click on the “Add New Page” button.

    In the “Create Page” dialog, enter the desired name and click the “Save” button.

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    After your initial page is created, you can add more pages by clicking on the “Add New Page” icon ( A picture containing drawing, table

Description automatically generated ).

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    Editing / Deleting Pages

    To Edit or Delete a page, click on the Page menu bar ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ) and choose the desired menu item ( A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  or A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  ). Note: Only pages which are empty can be deleted.

    Creating Widgets

    To add a Widget, click on the “Add New Widget” button located at the top right.

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    In the “Widgets” dialog, you will have the option of selecting different types of widgets such as KPI, Chart, Table, Radial Bar, table, etc.

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    KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

    To create a KPI widget, select the “KPI” option in the “Choose widget type” dialog box. After selecting the option, click on “Next” button present on the top right corner of the dialog box.

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    Counter KPIs

    In the “KPI” dialog, fill in the KPI widget name, select the Solution(s), and choose the desired output.

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    Current Time Data

    To generate data based on the current time, choose the “Current Time” in the “Duration” drop down list.

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    After selecting the duration, configure filters (optional), select the cluster(s) and device(s) and choose “Count” in the “Measure” drop down list. To complete the widget creation process, click on the “Save” button present on the top right corner of the dialog.

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    The current time counter widget will be displayed after clicking save.

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    Value KPIs

    In the “KPI” dialog, fill in the KPI widget name, select the Solution(s), and choose the desired output.

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    Current Time Data

    To generate data based on the current time, choose the “Current Time” in the “Duration” drop down list.

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    After selecting the duration, configure filters (optional), select the cluster(s) and device(s) and choose “Min”, “Max”, “Sum”, or “Avg” in the “Measure” drop down list according to the requirement.

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    To complete the widget creation process, click on the “Save” button present on the top right corner of the dialog.

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    The current time value widget will be displayed after clicking save.

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    Historical Data

    To generate data based on the historical time, change the “Duration” in the drop-down list. You will have the option of changing the duration such as “Last 7 Days”, “Last 30 Days”, “Last 90 Days”, etc.

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    After selecting the duration, configure filters (optional), select the cluster(s) and device(s) and choose “Min”, “Max”, “Sum”, or “Avg” in the “Measure” drop down list according to the requirement. To complete the widget creation process, click on the “Save” button present on the top right corner of the dialog.

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    The historical time value widget will be displayed after clicking save.

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    To create a Chart widget,select the “Chart” option in the “Choose widget type” dialog box. After selecting the option, click on “Next” button present on the top right corner of the dialog box.

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    Line Charts

    In the “Chart” dialog, fill in the Line chart widget name, select the Solution(s), and choose the desired output.

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    Current Time Data

    To generate data based on the current time, choose the “Current Time” in the “Duration” drop down list.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    After selecting the duration, configure filters (optional), select the cluster(s) and device(s). Click on the “Next” button that is present on the top-right corner of the dialog.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    Choose the “Line Chart” option in the “Select Chart” tab. Fill in the “Y-Axis”, “Measure”, and “X-Axis” fields. To complete the widget creation process, click on the “Save” button present on the top-right corner of the dialog.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    The current time Line Widget will be displayed after clicking save.

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    Historical Data

    To generate data based on the historical time, change the “Duration” in the drop-down list. You will have the option of changing the duration such as “Last 7 Days”, “Last 30 Days”, “Last 90 Days”, etc.

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    After selecting the duration, configure filters (optional), select the cluster(s) and device(s). Click on the “Next” button that is present on the top-right corner of the dialog and choose the “Line Chart” option.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    Fill in the “Measure” and “X-Axis” fields. To complete the widget creation process, click on the “Save” button present on the top-right corner of the dialog.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    The historical time Line Widget will be displayed after clicking save.

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    Bar Charts

    In the “Chart” dialog, fill in the Bar chart widget name, select the Solution(s), and choose the desired output.

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    Current Time Data

    To generate data based on the current time, choose the “Current Time” in the “Duration” drop down list.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    After selecting the duration, configure filters (optional), select the cluster(s) and device(s). Click on the “Next” button that is present on the top-right corner of the dialog.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    Choose the “Bar Chart” option in the “Select Chart” tab. Fill in the “Y-Axis”, “Measure”, and “X-Axis” fields. To complete the widget creation process, click on the “Save” button present on the top-right corner of the dialog.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    The current time Bar Widget will be displayed after clicking save.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    Historical Data

    To generate data based on the historical time, change the “Duration” in the drop-down list. You will have the option of changing the duration such as “Last 7 Days”, “Last 30 Days”, “Last 90 Days”, etc.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    After selecting the duration, configure filters (optional), select the cluster(s) and device(s). Click on the “Next” button that is present on the top-right corner of the dialog and choose the “Bar Chart” option.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    Fill in the “Measure” and “X-Axis” fields. To complete the widget creation process, click on the “Save” button present on the top-right corner of the dialog.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    The historical time Bar Widget will be displayed after clicking save.

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    Pie Charts

    In the “Chart” dialog, fill in the Pie chart widget name, select the Solution(s), and choose the desired output.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    Current Time Data

    To generate data based on the current time, choose the “Current Time” in the “Duration” drop down list.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    After selecting the duration, configure filters (optional), select the cluster(s) and device(s). Click on the “Next” button that is present on the top-right corner of the dialog.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    Choose the “Pie Chart” option in the “Select Chart” tab. Fill in the “Fields”, “Measure”, and “Grouping” fields. To complete the widget creation process, click on the “Save” button present on the top-right corner of the dialog.

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    The current time Pie Widget will be displayed after clicking save.

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    To create a table widget, select the “Table” option in the “Choose widget type” dialog. After selecting the tab, click on “Next” button present on the top right corner of the dialog box.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    In the “Table” dialog, fill in the Table widget name and select the Solution(s).

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    Current Time Data

    To generate data based on the current time, choose the “Current Time” in the “Duration” drop down list.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    After selecting the duration, configure filters (optional), select the cluster(s) and device(s), click on the “Next” button present on the top-right corner of the dialog box.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    In the “Setup Table Data” dialog box, select the “Column Data” by selecting the checkbox present on the left-hand side of the desired output names. To complete the widget creation process, click on the “Save” button present on the top-right corner of the dialog.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    The current time Table Widget will be displayed after clicking save.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    Radial Bar

    To create a “Radial Bar” widget, select the Radial Bar option in the “Choose Widget type” popup. After selecting the tab, click on “Next” Button present on the top-right corner of the dialog box.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    In the “Radial Bar” dialog, fill in the widget name, select the desired solution, and choose the output.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    Current Time Data

    To generate data based on the current time, choose the “Current Time” in the “Duration” drop down list.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    After selecting the duration, select the desired cluster and device. Enter the “Minimum” and “Maximum” values in the correlating fields and click on the “Save” button present on the top-right corner of the dialog box.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    The Radial Bar widget will be displayed after clicking save.

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    Moving Widgets

    All widgets can be rearranged to your liking.  To do this, click on the “Move Widgets” button      ( A picture containing table, knife

Description automatically generated  ) located to the right of the page and then start dragging your widgets to their new position. 

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Once the widgets are in the new position, click on the “Lock Widgets” button ( A picture containing drawing

Description automatically generated  )  to save the new arrangement of widgets.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Editing / Deleting Widgets

    To Edit or Remove a page, click on the Widget menu bar ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ) and choose the desired menu item ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated  or A picture containing table

Description automatically generated  ).

    Pinning / Unpinning a Widget to the Dashboard

    You can pin a widget from the Analytics page to the Dashboard by simply clicking on the Widget menu bar ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ) and choosing “Pin to Dashboard” menu item ( A close up of a sign

Description automatically generated  ).

    To remove a widget from the Dashboard, click on the Widget menu bar ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ) and select the “Unpin to Dashboard” menu item ( A close up of a white background

Description automatically generated  ).

    Setting Up Your Dashboard

    Ginjer’s Dashboard provides users at-a-glance views of KPIs relevant to the project.  The KPIs displayed on the Dashboard are generating data in real-time meant to enable quick decision making and provide immediate access to the overall project’s activities.  

    The Dashboard is located at the top of the “Project Details” section and is the default page which displays when entering the project.

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    Adding Widgets to the Dashboard

    The “Dashboard” page will initially have no widgets displayed.  To add a widget to the Dashboard you must go the “Analytics” page and pin your desired widget(s).  Steps are explained in the Pinning a Widget to the Dashboard section.  To go to the Analytics page, you can click on the “Go To Analytics” shortcut on the Dashboard page.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    My Dashboard

    After successfully pinning widget(s) to the Dashboard, the widgets will be made visible in the “My Dashboard” tab. Widgets in the “My Dashboard” tab will only be visible to you.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Unpin Widgets

    To remove a widget from your Dashboard, click on the Widget menu bar ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ) and select the “Unpin to Dashboard” menu item ( A close up of a white background

Description automatically generated  ). You can only Unpin a widget if it is not a published widget.

    Publish / Unpublish Widgets

    If your user privileges are of “Administrator” or “Project Manager”, you can publish widgets by clicking on the “Publish” button ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated  ) on the Widget menu bar ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ). To unpublish a widget, click on the Widget menu bar ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ) and select the “Unpublish” menu item (  ).

    Moving Widgets

    All widgets in your Dashboard can be rearranged to your liking.  To do this, click on the “Move Widgets” button      ( A picture containing table, knife

Description automatically generated  ) located to the right of the page and then start dragging your widgets to their new position. 

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Once the widgets are in the new position, click on the “Lock Widgets” button ( A picture containing drawing

Description automatically generated  )  to save the new arrangement of widgets.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Public Dashboard

    The “Public Dashboard” tab is a common Dashboard which all project users can see. The widgets displayed in the Public Dashboard is meant to represent the key KPIs of the project which are of importance to track.    

    Only users with privileges of “Administrator” or “Project Manager” will be able to manage the Public Dashboard widgets.

    Unpublish Widgets

    If your user privileges are of “Administrator” or “Project Manager”, you unpublish a widget from the Public Dashboard by clicking on the Widget menu bar ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ) and selecting the “Unpublish” menu item (  ).

    Moving Widgets

    Users with the “Administrator” or “Project Manager” permissions can rearrange widgets in the Public  Dashboard.  To do this, click on the “Move Widgets” button ( A picture containing table, knife

Description automatically generated  ) located to the right of the page and then start dragging your widgets to their new position. 

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Once the widgets are in the new position, click on the “Lock Widgets” button ( A picture containing drawing

Description automatically generated  )  to save the new arrangement of widgets.

    Generating Reports

    Ginjer’s Reports section allows a user to retrieve data of all devices in a Cluster and solution during a specified timeframe. Generated reports can be downloaded in CSV and pdf formats.

    Create a report, while in the “Project Details” section, click on the “Reports” menu item.

    To generate a report, click on the "Create Report" button select and enter report name and report description, select "Report Type" Solution, Cluster and Device, and your duration period. Once you have all the specified fields populated, click on the “Save” button.

    Filter Report

    To filter the generated report data, click on the “Filter Report” button.

    Filter report by solution, cluster and advanced filter option, and click on the save button.

    Report Column

    To remove or add column in the report, click on the “Add Fields” section to add available column.

    To remove column, click on the X icon.

    Export Report

    To export the generated report, click on the “Export Report” button. After clicking the button, select the PDF or CSV option and file will be saved in your local PC.

    Public Report

    To make your report public for other users, go to the My Reports section click on “ ” and then click on the Make Report Public.

    Favourites Report

    To mark any public or private report favorite, go to the Reports section click on the “ ” icon.

    Configuring Alerts

    Setting up alerts are critical for machine-to-person communication and are configured to send important or time sensitive notifications based on the Device data.  Ginjer provides users the ability to configure alerts for their projects, define recipients, and set conditional thresholds based on device outputs in real-time.

    Creating Alerts

    To get started, navigate to the “Alerts” menu item in the “Project Details” section.

    To create an alert, click on the “Add new alert” button or the “Create Alert” button.

    In the “Create Alert” dialog, enter the Alert Name and select your desired solution.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    For conditional alerts, select your condition type (Device output/Geofence) and enter the provided fields.

    On selecting Device output related condition Type, select the condition (mathematical operator) and set the condition value. Select AND/OR from the rule field if you want to add more conditions.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    On selecting Geofence related condition type, select the geofence name.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    You can also define when to send notifications based on the number of times the alert was triggered.  To do this enter your value in the “No. of reading(s) before alert is sent” field.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Click on the “Advanced Alert Setup” menu to schedule automatic downlinks or customise SMS/ Alert message.  

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    To schedule automatic downlink to any device, click on the “Add Condition” in advanced alert menu, fill the specified details and click on the “Next" button. 

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    To customise SMS/Alert message, enter the message in the field provided under “Customise SMS”. Click on the to add variables in the message to obtain real time data corresponding to the variable. Click on the “Next” button to proceed.  

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    Note: The message entered in customise SMS field will be used as SMS body, email subject and alert message in Cluster section.  

    In the “Recipients” tab, select the project users for receiving notifications by enabling the checkbox located to the left of the user(s) and select email/ SMS(Primary no.)/ SMS(Alternate no.) as desired.  Once you have selected your desired recipients, click the “Save” button.

    Note: SMS notification is paid service and is currently enabled for US and India region. If you want to enable SMS notification for your region, please contact SenRa support team. 

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    After the successful creation of the alert, you will see it displayed in the “Alerts” page.

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    Defining Alert Clusters and Devices

    To define what clusters and devices should trigger the alert notifications, you will need to select the desired cluster(s) and device(s). To do this, first select the alert in the “Alerts” column.

    Next, enable the cluster(s) of choice by clicking on their respective toggle button ( A picture containing game, table

Description automatically generated ). Note: clusters with a disabled toggle setting will not send notifications when the alert occurs.

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    Finally, enable the device(s) which will trigger the notification by clicking on their respective toggle button ( A picture containing game, table

Description automatically generated ).  Note: devices with a disabled toggle setting will not send notifications when the alert occurs.

    Deactivating Alerts

    To deactivate an alert, simply select the active alert and click on the toggle button (  ) to disable it.

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    Editing / Deleting Alerts

    To Edit or Delete an alert, click on the Alert menu bar ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ) and choose the desired menu item ( A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  or A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  ).

    Filtering Alerts

    You can also filter alerts by Solution and Output.  Simply select the desired values and the view will automatically update with your filtered list.

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    Managing Notifications

    Ginjer Notifications are triggered by alerts created in the system.  See the Configuring Alerts section for more information on how to configure alerts.

    Ginjer provides two forms of notifications, email and web notifications.  When an alert is triggered, the notification will send an email to the defined recipients and will store it in the “Notifications” section of the system for processing and corrective action. To see your notifications, navigate to the “Notifications” menu item in the “Project Details” section.

    Active Notifications

    Once an alert notification is triggered,  you will see it appear in the “Active Notifications” tab.  The notification will remain in the Action Notifications tab until a user acknowledges the notification.

    The notification counter (  ) will continue to increment every time an alert for that device is triggered.

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    Exporting Active Notifications

    To export an active notification, locate your notification and click on the “Download” button ( A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  ) in that row.  After clicking the button, a .csv file will be saved in your local PC.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Filtering Active Notifications

    You can filter notifications using the filter options located at the top of the screen.  Simply select the desired values and the view will automatically update with your filtered data.

    Acknowledging Active Notifications

    In an attempt to provide a corrective action methodology, we have provided users the ability to transition the active notifications to different states based on the corrective action.  The first step in this process is to transition the notification from an active state to an acknowledged state.

    To do this, click on the notification’s “Acknowledge” button ( A picture containing green

Description automatically generated ). After acknowledging the notification, it will disappear from the “Active Notifications” tab and be moved to the “Acknowledged Notifications” tab.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Acknowledged Notifications

    Once an alert notification is acknowledged,  you will see it appear in the “Acknowledged Notifications” tab.  The notification will remain in the Acknowledged Notifications tab until a user archives the notification.

    The notification counter (  ) will continue to increment every time an alert for that device is triggered however emails will no longer be sent.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Exporting Acknowledged Notifications

    To export an acknowledged notification, locate your notification and click on the “Download” button ( A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  ) in that row.  After clicking the button, a .csv file will be saved in your local PC.

    A screenshot of a video game

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    Filtering Acknowledged Notifications

    You can filter notifications using the filter options located at the top of the screen.  Simply select the desired values and the view will automatically update with your filtered data.

    Archiving Acknowledged Notifications

    Once the issue triggering an alert has been resolved, a user can archive the notification for historical purposes.  Archiving a notification will tell the system to no longer keep count of the alerts for that notification.  If the issue repeats itself, a new active notification will be triggered and will be required to be addressed separately.

    To Archive a notification, click on the notification’s “Archived” button ( ).  After archiving the notification, it will disappear from the “Acknowledged Notifications” tab and be moved to the “Historical Notifications” tab.

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    Historical Notifications

    Archived notifications will be accessible in the “Historical Notifications” tab. Historical notifications are only visible after they have been fetched from the database.


    Fetching Historical Notifications

    To fetch your desired historical records, you need to filter notifications using the filter options located at the top of the screen. 

    Simply select the desired values and click on the “Fetch Data” button ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ).

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Exporting Historical Notifications

    To export an acknowledged notification, locate your notification and click on the “Download” button ( A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  ) in that row.  After clicking the button, a .csv file will be saved in your local PC.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Email Notifications

    Email notifications are automatically sent to all recipients of triggered alerts with the subject line of being the alert name. The email will provide you details of the account, project, device, cluster, output, and time of triggered alert. Clicking on the “Manage your device” button

    ( A picture containing drawing

Description automatically generated  ) in the body of the email will take you the device record in Ginjer. 

    To go the notification in Ginjer instead of the device, click on the “Click Here” link in the body of the email.


    Ginjer provides many powerful administration features which allow you to configure your account to your liking.  From user management to new device configurations, Ginjer is setup to provide an easy and simple way of deploying successful solutions in your projects.  The following section will walk you through how to do all system configuration and management.

    User Management

    To manage users and their accesses, navigate to the “Users” section in the left hand navigation bar.

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    Upon entering the “All Users” page, you will notice your user card displayed on the screen. Note: As you are the Admin of the account, you will by default have full access to all projects and its users. 

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    Adding New Users to the Account

    To add new users to the account, click on the “Invite New Users” button ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated  )


    In the “Invite New Users” dialog, enter one or more email addresses of the new users to be invited in the “Invite Emails” field. Use the tab key after entering each email address to save the email address in the field. Once you are done entering the desired emails, click on the “Invite Users” button ( A picture containing flower

Description automatically generated  ).

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    Once the invitation is sent, you will see the new user(s) card display on the screen. Note: Invites will only be allowed if you have not exceeded your user license limit.  Please refer to the License Management section to check your user limit.

    Prior to the user accepting the invitation, the user’s status will be in an “Invited” state.  

    Note: if the user has not accepted the invite, as an admin, you will be able to cancel the invitation by clicking on the “Cancel” button ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated  ) or re-inviting by clicking on the “Resend” button ( A picture containing drawing

Description automatically generated  ) on that user’s card.

    Please refer to the “ Join Other Accounts ” section for instructions on how to accept invitations.

    Setting Users Page View Preferences

    There are two types of view options, Card view and Tabular view.  To change your view setting, simply click on the desired button ( A picture containing drawing

Description automatically generated or A picture containing drawing

Description automatically generated  ) located to the right side of the screen.

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    User Card Icons

    The following information will be visible from the “All Users” page.

  • # of projects the user has “Project Manager” permissions
  • # of projects the user has normal “User” permissions
  • The user is an “Administrator 
  • Project permissions setting (i.e. Enabled  A picture containing game, table

Description automatically generated  or Disabled  )

  • Editing User Profile

    User can edit the profile by simply clicking on the “Accounts”. After clicking on the icon, click on the pencil icon located to the right of your name.

    Clicking on the pencil icon will open the “Edit User Profile” dialog. All the fields are editable except the “Email” field. After editing the desired fields, click on the “Save” button save all your changes.

    Note: A “Profile successfully updated” message will be displayed at the bottom left corner of the screen.

    Enabling/Disabling User Admin Privileges

    To enable/ disable a user’s admin privileges, navigation to the setup “Users” section and click on the User menu bar(   ) and select “Edit”.

    After clicking edit, an “Edit User Role” a dialog will appear on the screen. Simply click on the “Admin” toggle button to enable/disable the admin privileges. After changing the Admin toggle setting, click the “Save” button to save the changes.

    A user with Admin permissions will see an “Admin” icon (  ) located to the right of their name. 

    Assigning Projects to Users

    To assign an active user to projects, click on the user’s name in the card.  Note: Admins have access to all projects and therefore their name will not be selectable.

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    After choosing a user, the “User Details” page will appear.  New users will have no projects assigned at first.  To assign new projects to the user, click on the “Assign New Projects” button ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ).

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    In the “Assign New Projects” dialog, assign the user to a project by enabling the check box beside the desired project(s).  When you have completed your selection, click on the “Save” button ( A picture containing flower

Description automatically generated  ).

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    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    After successfully saving, you will see the user’s assigned project(s) in the “User Details” page.

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    Enabling Project Manager Permissions

    To make a user the Project Manager of a project, click on the “Assign New Projects” button ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ). 

    In the “Assign New Projects” dialog, locate the desired project and click on the “PERMISSION TYPE” toggle button (  ) for that project. You will notice the text beside the toggle button will change from “User” to “PM” if successful. Click on the “Save” button to save the changes.

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    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    After successfully saving your changes, the user will be assigned the PM role to that project.

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    Allotting Clusters to Users

    While in the “User Details” page, click on the “Allot Clusters” button (  ) on the desired project card to assign clusters to that user. Note: Project Manager’s do not have this button because they already have access to all of the project’s clusters.

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    In the “Allot Clusters” dialog, select your cluster(s) and click the “Save” button.

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    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    After successfully saving your changes, the number to the right of the Clusters icon (  ) will change.

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    Activation/Deactivation Users

    To activate/ deactivate a user from the Account, navigate to the setup “Users” section and click on the toggle button located at the bottom of the user card.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Removing Users

    To removing a user from the Account, navigate to the setup “Users” section and click on the User menu bar and choose select “Remove”.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    After clicking on the “Remove” menu item, a “Remove User” popup will appear. Click on the “Remove” button to complete the user removal process. The “Cancel” button will cancel the removal process.

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    System Setup

    The developers of Ginjer wanted to provide administrators all the tools they need to add their own devices, create solutions, and even develop their own mobile applications.  With Ginjer’s configuration features, you can now reduce your project timelines by months.  This section will walk you through these steps and more.

    To get started, click on “Setup” ( A picture containing drawing

Description automatically generated  ) located on the left hand navigation bar. By default, the “Device” page will be displayed.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Defining Device Hardare

    The “Device” page is where an administrator can define new device hardware configurations that can then be used throughout the system. To access the “Device” page, click on the “Device” menu item under the “Setup” navigation bar.

    Pre-Configured Devices

    Ginjer already has pre-configured device hardware that can be used in your solutions and projects at any time.  Devices marked with a green check icon ( A picture containing object, game

Description automatically generated  ) represent SenRa verified devices which have been pre-integrated with SenRa’s LoRaWAN® Network and tested in the field.  Note: Pre-configured devices cannot be modified in the system.

    Adding New Device Hardware

    To add a new device hardware, click on the “Add Device” button ( A picture containing drawing

Description automatically generated  ) located in the top right of the screen.

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    In the “Add New Device” dialog, enter the device name, device type (LoRaWAN/BLE/Wi-Fi), description, upload a device hardware image (optional), and enter the device model number. Select the Manufacturer and Tag you for choice, then define if this device supports GPS or not by clicking on the “GPS Supported Device” toggle button (i.e. Enabled  A picture containing game, table

Description automatically generated  or Disabled  ). After populating all the fields, click on the “Save” button.

    Note: Ginjer comes with pre-configured labels which are displayed in the “Manufacturer” and “Tag” drop down lists.  To add your own labels to those lists, please refer to the Labels section prior to adding your device hardware.

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    After successfully saving your new device, you will see it appear in the “Device” page.

    The following information will be visible on the “Device” card.

  • # of Mobile Apps assigned to the device A picture containing drawing

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  • # of Device Attributes added to the device A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated
  • # of Outputs added to the device  A picture containing table

Description automatically generated
  • # of Controllers added to the device A picture containing table

Description automatically generated
  • # of Profiles added to the device A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated

  • Setting Device Page View Preferences

    There are two types of view options, Card view and Tabular view.  To change your view setting, simply click on the desired button ( A picture containing drawing

Description automatically generated or A picture containing drawing

Description automatically generated  ) located to the right side of the screen.

    A screenshot of a computer

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    Editing / Deleting Device Hardware

    To Edit or Delete a device, click on the Device menu bar ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ) and choose the desired menu item ( A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  or A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  ). Note: Only devices which are not being used can be deleted.

    Filtering Device Hardware

    You can also filter devices by “Manufacturer” and “Tag”.  Simply select the desired values and the view will automatically update with your filtered list. Alternatively, you can use the “Search” field to filter based on keywords.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Configuring LoRaWAN Device Hardware

    To configure a device hardware, locate the device of interest and click on the “Configure” button ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated  ).

    A picture containing screenshot, remote, video, game

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    In the “Device Configuration” page you will notice several tabs which are configurable for the device selected.  By default, the “Mobile Apps” tab will be selected.

    Assigning Mobile Apps

    To associate support mobile apps to this device, click on the “Select Mobile Apps” button.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Select your desired mobile app in the “Mobile Application” drop down list.

    Note: By default, Ginjer comes pre-configured with mobile apps and are available for use.  To create your own mobile apps, please refer to the Mobile App section.

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    After the first mobile app is added, click on the plus button too add more mobile apps.

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    Once you have assigned your mobile apps, click on the “Save” button located at the top right corner to save your changes.  Note:

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    To Remove a mobile app from the Device, click on the Mobile App menu bar ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ) and choose the “Remove” menu item ( A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  ).

    Adding Device Attributes

    Device attributes are used to provide the system with additional device configuration logic which is not directly provided by the device payload or sensed by the device.

    For example, if a bin sensor detects the fill level of a bin but is unable to determine the height of the bin, you can use a device attribute to tell the system the device was installed in a bin with x height.  By doing this the system will be able provide more accurate fill level readings. 

    Another example would be If a parking sensor is able to detect a vehicle, however, does not know if the sensor was installed in an illegal parking zone, you can use a device attribute to tell the system that the parking sensor was installed in an illegal spot. By doing this the system will be able to know to handle devices installed in illegal parking spots differently than the normal parking scenario.  

    To configure device attributes, select the “Device Attributes” tab and click on the “Add Device Attribute” button.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Populate the Device Attribute fields and then click the “Save” button to save your changes. The following fields are:

  • Label
  • o   The label entered will be visible in the Add/Edit Device dialog located in the Project Details Devices section.  This will only be displayed if the device being added has a device attribute configured. For information on how to add a device, go to the   Adding Devices section

  • Key
  • o   The key entered will be used in the outputs coding section as a variable. For more information on how to configure outputs, go to the Defining Outputs section

  • Type (i.e. “Text” or “Toggle”)
  • o   The selection of the type will determine if the user needs to provide a value or set a flag during while they add a device to project.  Selection of the type will display either a text field or toggle button in the Add/Edit Device dialog located in the Project Details Devices section.  This will only be displayed if the device being added has a device attribute configured. For information on how to add a device, go to the  Adding Devices section

  • Default Value (for “Text” Type only)
  • o   When adding a new device to a project, this value will be set by default in the “Text” field associated to the Device Attribute in the Add/Edit Device dialog located in the Project Details Devices section.  This will only be displayed if the device being added has a device attribute configure.

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    Defining Device Outputs

    Device outputs are functions created and used to decrypt the device’s payload using the raw data decoding logic provided by the manufacturer.   The device outputs are used by the Ginjer’s solutions to display data graphically and to be processed analytically. Please refer to the Solution section on how to create a solution.

    To add device outputs, select the “Outputs” tab and click on the “Select Outputs” button.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    In the “Add Output” dialog, select the desired output from the “Output” drop down list.  To add your own labels to the output list, please refer to the Labels section prior to adding your output.


    After selecting the desired output, an empty function will be created with two passed variables (“packet” and “deviceAttributes”).

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    Before you start writing the packet decoder function, please find the details of packet and deviceAttributes details which are as follows :

    1. Packet - For every device, we receive device data in the form of JSON object. The sample JSON object for a single device data is

    type DeviceData {

         _id: ID!

         organisationId: ID!

         projectId: ID!

         clusterId: ID!

         deviceId: ID!

         channel: String!

         freq: String!

         payload: String!

         rssi: String!

         snr: String!

         devEui: String!

         timestamp: DateTime!

         port: String!


    Where, channel, freq, payload, rssi, snr, devEui and port values can be used in the decoder function.

    These values are used as, packet.freq, packet.payload, packet.rssi, packet.snr, packet.devEui and packet.port in the decoder function.

    2. deviceAttributes - As explained above, the user can add a key value if the device has a device attribute configure.

    The sample JSON object for deviceAttributes is

    type DeviceAttribute {

         key: String!

         label: String!

         type: FieldType!

         defaultValue: JsonObject!


    For example, if the user has set “distance” as key, he can use its value as deviceAttributes.distance in the decoder logic.

    Inside the function you will want to write your packet decoder logic.  See below for an example of an output function:



      let fillVal,packetPl;

      packet.payload = parseInt(packet.payload.toUpperCase(), 16).toString(2).padStart(24, '0');

      packetPl = packet.payload.substring(0, packet.payload.length - 2);

      const {BinHeight} = deviceAttributes;

      if (packet.payload.substring(packet.payload.length - 2, packet.payload.length) === '00' ) {

           fillVal = parseInt(packetPl.substring(packetPl.length - 7, packetPl.length), 2);

           return fillVal;

      } else if (packet.payload.substring(packet.payload.length - 2, packet.payload.length) === '01' ) {

        const dist = BinHeight - parseInt(packetPl.substring(packetPl.length - 9, packetPl.length), 2);

           fillVal = (dist / BinHeight) * 100;

        return fillVal;



    After you have completed writing your function, click on the “Save” button.

    After saving your output, you will see it appear in the “Outputs” tab. To finalize all output configurations, click on the “Save” button located in the top right of the screen.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    Adding Controllers

    Device controllers, also known as Downlink Interfaces, are used to send downlink commands which will tell the device to do something.

    For example, if you want to tell a luminaire controller to switch the power of a light bulb off, you could write a function in the device controller and then call it from Ginjer or a mobile application leveraging Ginjer APIs which would then send the light off command.

    To add device controllers, select the “Controllers” tab and click on the “Add Controller” button.

    In the “Add Controller” dialog, select the desired downlink interface from the “Downlink” drop down list.  To add your own labels to the Downlink list, please refer to the Labels section prior to adding your output.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    After selecting your Downlink interface, write your controller function.  See below for an example of a controller function:


        const packet = {};

        packet["Payload"] = value ?  'FFF' : '000';

        return packet;


    After you have completed writing your function, click on the “Save” button.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    After saving your controller, you will see it appear in the “Controllers” tab. To finalize all controller configurations, click on the “Save” button located in the top right of the screen.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    Setting up Profiles

    Device profiles, also known as Downlink Interfaces, are used to send downlink commands to change the device’s firmware configuration (i.e. Profile).

    For example, if you want to change a device’s uplink communication interval from its default setting to a shorter or longer interval, you could write a function as a device profile and then call it from Ginjer or a mobile application leveraging Ginjer APIs which would then send the new configuration settings to the device. 

    Note: Device profiles will only work if the device supports downlink configuration commands. Please ask the manufacturer if their device supports downlink configuration commands.

    To add profiles, select the “Profiles” tab and click on the “Add Downlink” button.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    If you do not see the “Add Downlink” button, it is because you have not setup a “Hardware Profile” in the “Outputs” tab.  A hardware profile output is a function that is called by profiles to know what kind of configuration payloads to send to the device on the downlink command.  For more information on how to add outputs, please refer to the Defining Device Outputs section.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    In the “Add Downlink” dialog, select the desired downlink interface from the “Downlink” drop down list.  To add your own labels to the Downlink list, please refer to the Labels section prior to adding your output.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    After selecting your Downlink interface, write your profile downlink function.  See below for an example of a profile function:


    function (value) {

      const packet = {};


        packet["Payload"] = '01101';



        packet["Payload"] = '10100';



        packet["Payload"] = '11001';


      return packet;


    After you have completed writing your function, click on the “Save” button.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    After setting up your downlinks, you will need to add a profile which will call the downlink.  To do this, click on the “Add Profile” button in the “Profile” tab of the “Device Configuration” page.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    In the “Add Profile” dialog, enter the profile name, description, choose the downlink(s) which you have configured, then click on the “Save” button.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    After saving the profile, you will see it appear under the “Profiles” column.  To save all changes, click on the “Save” button located at the top right corner of the window.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Configuring BLE/Wi-Fi Device Hardware

    To configure a device hardware, locate the device of interest and click on the “Configure” button ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated  ).

    Adding Data Fields

    Click on the add option to get pop up for adding new data field.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    On clicking the Add button, the pop up will appear to select the data field name from drop down and select the type of data field (input field/ dropdown/ toggle).

    Note: Only those data field name will be visible in the form that are added in “Input fields” in label section.

    Based on the type of the data field, following screens will be shown to the user for configuring the fields:

    Input field: This will give the option to select the validation of input filed (i.e. if the input field will be text/numbers or all characters are allowed), set the character limit (if any) and if the field is mandatory. User can also set the default value of input field, if required.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Dropdown: This will allow the user to add the options to be shown as dropdown, if the filed will be single/ multi select and also to set the field as mandatory.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Toggle: This will allow the user to create toggle button for the data field.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Editing/ Deleting Data Fields

    To Edit or Delete a data fields, click on the Solution menu bar ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ) and choose the desired menu item ( A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  or A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  ).

    Note: Only data fields which are not being used can be deleted.

    Working with Solutions

    In Ginjer’s Solution section, users are able to define common output logic used to segment data into logical groupings based on conditions.  These outputs will then be visually and graphical display in the Project Details section of the system.  Users will have the ability to assign icons and configure the colors of those icons based on the conditions they define.  These solution outputs would then be used by devices with the same outputs for a common way of processing the data.

    To start adding and configuring solutions, navigate to the “Solutions” navigation menu item located under the “Setup” navigation menu bar.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Pre-Configured Solutions

    Ginjer already has pre-configured solutions that can be used in your projects at any time.  Solutions marked with a green check icon ( A picture containing object, game

Description automatically generated  ) represent SenRa verified solutions which have been pre-integrated with SenRa’s LoRaWAN® Network and specific SenRa verified devices.  Note: Pre-configured solutions cannot be modified in the system.

    Adding New Solutions

    To add a new solution, click on the “Add New Solution” button location in the top right corner of the “Solution” page.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    In the “Add New Solution” dialog, populate the Solution Name, Description, upload a Solution image (optional), and select the devices which will use the same output logic.  Once you have filled out all the fields, click on the “Save” button.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    After clicking save, you will see your new solution added to the “Solutions” page.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    The following information will be visible on the “Solution” card.

  • # of Devices assigned to the solution A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated
  • # of Outputs configured in the solution A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated

  • Configuring Solutions

    To configure a solution, click on the “Configure” button on the solution card.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    In order to define the common output(s) logic, you need to first select the output(s) which the devices have in common.  To do this, click on the “Select Outputs” button in the Solution’s “Output” tab.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    After click on the “Select Outputs” button, a form will appear where you will need to select an output and define the output’s conditions and their associated configurations.  The following fields will be displayed:

  • Output
  • o   The “Output” dropdown list will be automatically generated based on the associated devices added during creation of the solution. 

  • Condition
  • o   The “Condition” field is a drop down list of mathematical operations which will allow you to define logic based on expected output values. 

  • Value
  • o   The “Value” field is where you enter the expected value of the device output.

  • Label
  • o   The “Label” field is what you want to display throughout the Project Details section if the condition is met.

  • Icon
  • o   The “Icon” selection field is the graphical representation of what you want to display throughout the Project Details section if the condition is met.

  • Color
  • o   The “Color” selection field is the icon color which will be displayed in the Project Details section if the condition is met.


    A screenshot of a social media post

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    To add another output condition, click on the + icon in the next condition card.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    To add another output, click on the “Add more output” button.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    To delete solution output configurations, click on the trashcan icon (  )located to the right of the output card.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    After you have completed all of your solution output configurations, click on the “Save” button located in the top right hand corner of the page.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Setting Solution View Preferences

    There are two types of view options, Card view and Tabular view.  To change your view setting, simply click on the desired button ( A picture containing drawing

Description automatically generated or A picture containing drawing

Description automatically generated  ) located to the right side of the screen.

    A screenshot of a computer

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    Editing / Deleting Solutions

    To Edit or Delete a solution, click on the Solution menu bar ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ) and choose the desired menu item ( A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  or A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  ). Note: Only solutions which are not being used can be deleted.

    Filtering Solutions

    You can also filter solutions by using the “Search” field to filter based on keywords.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Integrating Mobile Apps

    With Ginjer’s APIs, a user can develop their own mobile applications and integrate it with Ginjer in just a few clicks.  A mobile app will use previously defined outputs from the device hardware and solutions as well as downlink interfaces to receive and send information from/to the device(s) installed in the field.

    Adding Mobile Apps

    To add mobile apps, navigate to the “Solutions” navigation menu item located under the “Setup” navigation menu bar.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    In the “Mobile Application” screen, click on the “Add Mobile App” button located in the top right corner of the page.

    In the “Add New Mobile App” dialog, populate the Mobile App Name, Description, upload a logo image (optional), set a tag, and select the desired device outputs and downlink interfaces.  Once you have filled out all the fields, click on the “Save” button.

    Note: Ginjer comes with pre-configured labels which are displayed in the “Tag” drop down list.  To add your own labels to the lists, please refer to the Labels section prior to adding your mobile application.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    After successfully saving your new mobile app, it will be displayed in the “Mobile Application” page.

    A screenshot of a computer

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    Pre-Configured Mobile Apps

    Ginjer already has pre-configured mobile apps that can be used in your projects at any time.  Mobile Apps marked with a green check icon ( A picture containing object, game

Description automatically generated  ) represent SenRa verified mobile apps which have been pre-integrated with SenRa’s LoRaWAN® Network and specific SenRa verified devices.  Note: Pre-configured mobile apps cannot be modified in the system.

    Pre-configured mobile apps marked with the “Under Development” tag ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ) represent mobile apps which are under development.  Once they are ready for use, the mobile app tag will be updated with the respective solution.

    Setting Mobile App View Preferences

    There are two types of view options, Card view and Tabular view.  To change your view setting, simply click on the desired button ( A picture containing drawing

Description automatically generated or A picture containing drawing

Description automatically generated  ) located to the right side of the screen.

    A screenshot of a computer

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    Editing / Deleting Mobile Apps

    To Edit or Delete a mobile app, click on the Network menu bar ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ) and choose the desired menu item ( A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  or A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  ). Note: Only mobile apps which are not being used in the device hardware configuration be deleted.

    Filtering Mobile Apps

    You can also filter mobile apps by “Tag”. Simply select the desired value and the view will automatically update with your filtered list. Alternatively, you can use the “Search” field to filter based on keywords.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Downloading Configurations

    Mobile App developers will need to download the mobile app configuration file in order to integrate their custom mobile app with Ginjer. To do this simply click on the “Download File” button. A JSON file will be saved on your local PC. The file will contain unique ids of all outputs and downlink interfaces which the mobile application will be using.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Connecting Networks

    Ginjer can be integrated with any LoRaWAN® Network (private or public) of your choice.  To add a new network, navigate to the “Network” menu item in the “Setup” menu bar.

    Note: To integrate other types of non-LoRaWAN networks, please contact us at for support.  We will be supporting other protocols in future releases.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Configuring Existing Networks

    By default, SenRa’s LoRaWAN® Network “HTTP, MQTT”, Senet “HTTP, MQTT”, Actility “HTTP”, ChirpStack “HTTP”, Helium “HTTP”, and TTN “HTTP” Networks are already pre-configured in Ginjer and can be used at any time. 

    SenRa Network Configuring

    To configure a Network, click on the “Configure” button on that network card.

    In the “Keys Setup” tab, click on the “Generate Ginjer Key” button ( A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  ), enter “Network Name” and copy/paste the “Network Key” provided by the network provider.  

    Note: The Ginjer key is used by the network to authenticate the platform. Please copy the Ginjer key and paste it in the authorization header on the network server. Please refer to the network provider documentation.

    Also the “Network Name” will be displayed in the “Add New Device” dialog’s “Network Key” field while adding a new device to a project.  For more information on how to add a device to a project, refer to the Adding Devices section.

    If you are using SenRa’s LoRaWAN® Network, please refer to the following link ( on how to generate a “Network Key”. You can also contact our support team at for help. 

    For third party networks, please use for routing traffic from the desired network to the Ginjer analytics platform.

    When you have completed filling out the specified details, click on the “Save” button.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Click on the Update Device API keys section to enter API keys and appEUI keys associated with the API keys (Only for SenRa/Senet Network).-

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    After entering update device API keys details, click on the MQTT section to enter MQTT broker details.

    Senet Network Configuring

    To configure a Network, click on the “Configure” button on that network card.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

    In the “Keys Setup” tab, click on the “Generate Ginjer Key” button ( A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  ), enter “Network Name” and copy/paste the “Network Key” provided by the network provider.  

    Note: The Ginjer key is used by the network to authenticate the platform. Please copy the Ginjer key and paste it in the authorization header on the network server. Please refer to the network provider documentation.

    Also the “Network Name” will be displayed in the “Add New Device” dialog’s “Network Key” field while adding a new device to a project.  For more information on how to add a device to a project, refer to the Adding Devices section.

    If you are using Senet’s LoRaWAN® Network, please refer to the following link ( on how to generate a “Network Key”. You can also contact our support team at for help. 

    For third party networks, please use for routing traffic from the desired network to the Ginjer analytics platform.

    When you have completed filling out the specified details, click on the “Save” button.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Click on the Update Device API keys section to enter API keys and appEUI keys associated with the API keys (Only for SenRa/Senet Network).

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    After entering update device API keys details, click on the MQTT section to enter MQTT broker details.

    Actility Network Configuring

    To configure a Network, click on the “Configure” button on that network card.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

    In the “Keys Setup” tab, click on the “Generate Ginjer Key” button ( A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  ), enter “Network Name” and copy/paste the “Network Key” provided by the network provider.  

    Note: The Ginjer key is used by the network to authenticate the platform. Please copy the Ginjer key and paste it in the authorization header on the network server. Please refer to the network provider documentation.

    Also the “Network Key Name/Token Name” will be displayed in the “Add New Device” dialog’s “Network Key/Token” field while adding a new device to a project.  For more information on how to add a device to a project, refer to the Adding Devices section.

    Please refer to the official document on how to generate a “Token”.

    Please use for routing traffic from the network to the Ginjer analytics platform. You can also contact our support team at for help.

    When you have completed filling out the specified details, click on the “Save” button.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    ChirpStack Network Configuring

    To configure a Network, click on the “Configure” button on that network card.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

    In the “Keys Setup” tab, click on the “Generate Ginjer Key” button ( A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  ), enter “Network Name” and copy/paste the “Network Key” provided by the network provider.  

    Note: The Ginjer key is used by the network to authenticate the platform. Please copy the Ginjer key and paste it in the authorization header on the network server. Please refer to the network provider documentation.

    Also the “Network Key Name/Token Name” will be displayed in the “Add New Device” dialog’s “Network Key/Token” field while adding a new device to a project.  For more information on how to add a device to a project, refer to the Adding Devices section.

    Please refer to the official document on how to generate a “Token”.

    Please use for routing traffic from the network to the Ginjer analytics platform. You can also contact our support team at for help.

    When you have completed filling out the specified details, click on the “Save” button.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    TTN Network Configuring

    To configure a Network, click on the “Configure” button on that network card.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

    In the “Keys Setup” tab, click on the “Generate Ginjer Key” button ( A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  ), enter “Network Name” and copy/paste the “Network Key” provided by the network provider.  

    Note: The Ginjer key is used by the network to authenticate the platform. Please copy the Ginjer key and paste it in the authorization header on the network server. Please refer to the network provider documentation.

    Also the “Network Key Name/Token Name” will be displayed in the “Add New Device” dialog’s “Network Key/Token” field while adding a new device to a project.  For more information on how to add a device to a project, refer to the Adding Devices section.

    Please refer to the official document on how to generate “Token and Application Id”.

    Please use for routing traffic from the network to the Ginjer analytics platform. You can also contact our support team at for help.

    When you have completed filling out the specified details, click on the “Save” button.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

    Helium Network Configuring

    To configure a Network, click on the “Configure” button on that network card.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

    In the “Keys Setup” tab, click on the “Generate Ginjer Key” button ( A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  ), enter “Network Name” and copy/paste the “Network Key” provided by the network provider.  

    Note: The Ginjer key is used by the network to authenticate the platform. Please copy the Ginjer key and paste it in the authorization header on the network server. Please refer to the network provider documentation.

    Also the “Network Key Name/Token Name” will be displayed in the “Add New Device” dialog’s “Network Key/Token” field while adding a new device to a project.  For more information on how to add a device to a project, refer to the Adding Devices section.

    Please refer to the official document on how to generate “Token and Integration Id”.

    Please use for routing traffic from the network to the Ginjer analytics platform. You can also contact our support team at for help.

    When you have completed filling out the specified details, click on the “Save” button.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Adding New Networks

    To add a new network, click on the “Add New Network” button in the Setup’s “Network” section.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    In the “Add New Network” dialog under the “Network Details” tab, enter the network name, description, network type, network provider, and select the network interface.

    Note: currently only LoRaWAN network type is available for selection. Ginjer will be supporting other protocols in future releases.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    In the “Add New Network” dialog under the “Uplink Mapping” tab, map the uplink configuration fields to the Network’s corresponding uplink parameter fields. Once all the specified fields are populated,  click on the “Next” button.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    In the “Add New Network” dialog under the “Downlink Mapping” tab, map the downlink url and configuration fields to the Network’s corresponding downlink parameter fields. Once all the specified fields are populated,  click on the “Save” button.

    In the “Type” list, you can select one of the options for mapping your network fields, “Query Parameters”, “Headers”or "Body".

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    After saving the new network, it will be displayed under the Setup’s “Network” section.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    SenRa Network Mapping

    The Mapping of uplink fields at the time of adding SenRa Production Network should be :

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    The Mapping of downlink fields at the time of adding SenRa Production Network should be :

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Senet Network Mapping

    The Mapping of uplink fields at the time of adding Senet Production Network should be :

    A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

    The Mapping of downlink fields at the time of adding Senet Production Network should be :

    A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

    Actility Network Mapping

    The Mapping of uplink fields at the time of adding Actility Network should be :

    A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

    The Mapping of downlink fields at the time of adding Actility Network should be :

    A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

    ChirpStack Network Mapping

    The Mapping of uplink fields at the time of adding ChirpStack Network should be :

    A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

    The Mapping of downlink fields at the time of adding ChirpStack Network should be :

    A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

    TTN Network Mapping

    The Mapping of uplink fields at the time of adding TTN Network should be :

    A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

    The Mapping of downlink fields at the time of adding TTN Network should be :

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Helium Network Mapping

    The Mapping of uplink fields at the time of adding Helium Network should be :

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    The Mapping of downlink fields at the time of adding Helium Network should be :

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Setting Network View Preferences

    There are two types of view options, Card view and Tabular view.  To change your view setting, simply click on the desired button ( A picture containing drawing

Description automatically generated or A picture containing drawing

Description automatically generated  ) located to the right side of the screen.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Editing / Deleting Networks

    To Edit or Delete a network, click on the Network menu bar ( A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated ) and choose the desired menu item ( A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  or A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated  ). Note: Only networks which are not being used can be deleted.

    Filtering Networks

    You can also filter networks by “Network Type”. Simply select the desired values and the view will automatically update with your filtered list. Alternatively, you can use the “Search” field to filter based on keywords.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Configuring Labels

    Labels are values in drop down lists which are used in different parts of the system during the device hardware configuration process. 

    The following Modules (i.e. Lookup Lists) are configurable:

  • DownlinkInterface
  • o   This list is associated to “Downlink” drop down field in the “Add Controllers” dialog.  For more information on how to add controllers, go to the Adding Controllers section.

  • Manufacturer
  • o   This list is associated to the “Manufacturer” drop down field in the “Add New Device” dialog. For more information on how to add a new device hardware, go to the Adding New Device Hardware section.

  • Output
  • o   This list is associated to the “Output” drop down field in the “Add Output” dialog. For more information on how to define outputs, go to the Defining Device Outputs section

  • Tags
  • o   This list is associated to the “Tag” drop down field in the “Add New Device” dialog. For more information on how to add a new device hardware, go to the Adding New Device Hardware section.

    Adding Labels

    To manage labels, navigate to the “Labels” menu item in the “Setup” navigation menu bar.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    To add a new label, simply click on the “Add Label” button (  ) and enter your desired text in the empty field which is displayed in red.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    When you have completed adding all your labels, click on the “Save” button to save all your changes. 

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Editing / Deleting Labels

    To delete a label, click on the label’s cross button (A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated ) and then click on the “Save” button. To undo the labels which are planned to be deleted, you can select on the individual label’s undo button (A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated ) or click on the “Cancel” button to undo all actions.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    Deletion of labels currently being used by objects in the system will not be allowed. The label will be colored in red and a message will appear on hover.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    A screenshot of a cell phone

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    License Management

    Ginjer offers a free 1 user 5 device license when setting up your own account.  For questions regarding your license or to upgrade your license, please contact

    To manage your license, navigate to the “License” section in the left hand navigation bar.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    In the “License” page, you will see the following information:

  • Organization Name
  • User Limit
  • Devices Limit
  • Activation Date
  • License Expiration Date

  • To update your license, simply copy/paste your new license key in the “License Key” field and click on the “Update” button.

    A screenshot of a social media post

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    Other Tips

    Browser Supported

    Google Chrome
    Recommended version: 62.0.x and above. (Beta not included)

    Display Configuration

    Best Viewed On: 1920*1080 (Resolution), 15 inches (Display size)
    Aspect Ratio: 16:9

    Release Notes

    Product: Ginjer

    Version: 2.16.0

    Release Date: April 17th, 2024

    New Features:
  • Metric Conversion Flexibility: Users can easily switch between different units for sensor output visualization. This transformation is currently applicable only to temperature readings.

  • Downlink Delay Feature: We've upgraded our automation with a new delay option for downlinks. Now, you can set a delay before triggering a downlink after any event.

  • Enhancements:
  • Timeout Protection for Decoders: To prevent issues caused by infinite loops, the system now includes timeout protection for decoders.

  • Improved API Performance: Our APIs are now optimized for faster and smoother rendering, enhancing the overall user experience on the platform.

  • Bug Fixes:
  • Resolved minor bugs in the Analytics and Device List modules for smoother operation.

  • Version: 2.15.1

    Release Date: Sept 07th, 2023

    Feature Enhancements:
  • New Alert Section:
    • Users can now set alerts for multiple devices simultaneously.
    • Email notifications for various devices are currently supported.
  • Add New Network Experience:
    • Users will get autofill uplink and downlink fields in the add network form, with the ability to edit them as needed, providing greater flexibility and efficiency in network configuration.

  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed UI/UX issues: We have resolved various UI/UX issues, improving Ginjer's overall user experience.

  • Version: 2.15.0

    Release Date: July 25th, 2023

    New Features:
  • Embedded Analytics Widgets: Users now have the capability to seamlessly incorporate analytics widgets into their reports and subsequently download the reports with the embedded analytics widgets. This empowers users with a more comprehensive data visualization experience.

  • Multiple Output Line Charts: Introducing the ability to generate historical line charts with multiple output values. Users can now analyse and compare data trends more effectively by visualizing multiple outputs simultaneously.

  • Historical Table Analytics Widget: Users can now avail themselves of the historical table widget, enabling them to examine and evaluate data in a tabular format over time. This feature enhances the flexibility and depth of data analysis within the application.

  • User Profile Management: Enhancements have been made to the user profile management system. Users now have the convenience of updating and managing their profiles from a single, centralized location. Additionally, they can modify their passwords and select a default organization. Upon launching Ginjer, users will be seamlessly directed to their chosen default organization.

  • Feature Enhancements:
  • Alert System Enhancement: The current alert system has been significantly improved with a key enhancement. Users can now trigger downlink messages based on multiple device output values, providing them with greater flexibility and control over their actions.

  • We have optimized the overall Ginjer platform for improved performance, ensuring that you have the best possible experience.

    Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed UI/UX issues: We have resolved various UI/UX issues, improving the overall user experience of the app.

  • Version: 2.14.0

    Release Date: March 14th, 2023

    New Features:
  • MQTT Support for TTN: We have added support for MQTT protocol, allowing you to easily connect to The Things Network (TTN) to receive real-time data from IoT devices.
  • Geofence with Polygon shape: We have introduced a new geofence feature that allows you to define a geographic area using a polygon shape. You can now set up geofences with complex shapes that precisely match your needs and receive notifications when a device enters or exits the defined area.

  • Performance Enhancements:
  • Analytics & Dashboard: We have improved the performance of the analytics and dashboard features, making it faster and easier for you to view and analyze your data.
  • Projects Section: We have optimized the performance of the projects section.
  • Cluster Section: We have optimized the cluster management section, making it faster and more efficient to manage your clusters.
  • Devices Section: We have improved the performance of the devices section, allowing you to manage your devices quickly and easily.
  • Reports Section: We have optimized the performance of the reporting feature, making it more user-friendly.

  • We have optimized the overall Ginjer platform for improved performance, ensuring that you have the best possible experience.

    Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed UI/UX issues: We have resolved various UI/UX issues, improving the overall user experience of the app.

  • Version: 2.13.0

    Release Date: Sept 22nd, 2022

    New Features:
  • MQTT Support
  • Bulk Device Uploads
  • Enhanced Reporting
  • Live Tracking for GPS enabled devices
  • Historical Tracking for GPS enabled devices

  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed UI/UX issues

  • Version: 2.12.0

    Release Date: March 11th, 2022

    New Features:
  • New network support.
    • Actility
    • ChirpStack
    • The Things Network
    • Helium
  • Modification in add device form to support new networks.
  • Delete functionality in Networks in Setup section.
  • Micro interaction in all forms.

  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed UI/UX issues in multiple sections.

  • Version: 2.11.0

    Release Date: January 13th, 2022

    New Features:
  • Add/Edit/Delete BLE/Wi-Fi devices in Setup section.
  • Modification in Network form to support multiple downlink URLs.
  • Modification in Send Downlink and automatic Downlink form to support device class change functionality.
  • Delete functionality in Devices & Solutions in Setup section.

  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed UI/UX issues in multiple sections.
  • Fixed issues related to Geo-fencing.

  • Version: 2.10.0

    Release Date: September 24th, 2021

    New Features:
  • Add/Edit/Delete Geo-fences in cluster section.
  • Alert form updated to support multiple outputs with AND/OR logic.
  • Alert section updated to configure alerts based on Geo-Fence entry/exit.
  • Satellite view of Google maps in cluster section.

  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed UI/UX issues in multiple sections.

  • Version: 2.9.0

    Release Date: August 12th, 2021

    New Features:
  • Customized Alert message in cluster section.
  • BLE Beacons output modification in custom maps to support alert triggered by SenRa Verified Panic buttons.

  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed UI/UX issues in multiple sections.

  • Version: 2.8.0

    Release Date: July 31st, 2021

    New Features:
  • Device section modification to support adding/deleting BLE beacon devices.
  • Mapping/viewing BLE beacons on custom maps.
  • Setup section modification to utilize device attributes of BLE beacon devices.
  • Receiving alert notifications through SMS.
  • Alert section modification to support SMS notifications.

  • Bug Fix:
  • Fixed UI/UX issues in multiple sections.
  • Issues related to receiving alert notifications through new Ginjer App.

  • Version: 2.7.0

    Release Date: June 18th, 2021

    New Features:
  • Upload/Edit/Delete customized floor maps as clusters.
  • Mapping/viewing devices on custom floor maps.
  • Alert section modification for custom floor maps.
  • Device section modification for custom floor maps.
  • User Profile/ Sign Up page modification to support country code for phone numbers.

  • Bug Fix:
  • Fixed UI/UX issues in multiple sections.

  • Version: 2.6.0

    Release Date: May 20th, 2021

    New Features:
  • Admin Users can map Senra verified devices with their Apps through Mobile App section under Setup module.
  • Kubernetes implementation for performance enhancement of Ginjer Web.

  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed issue related to default location in all the maps.
  • Fixed UI/UX issues in multiple sections.

  • Version: 2.5.0

    Release Date: May 7th, 2021

    New Features:
  • Introduction of Cloning Feature in Device Section.
  • User can add alternate no. for SMS alerts and company name in User Profile section.
  • White label Users can map Senra verified devices with their Apps through Mobile App section.
  • User can schedule automatic downlink when an alert is triggered

  • Bug Fix:
  • Fixed UI/UX issues in multiple sections.

  • Version: 2.4.0

    Release Date: January 17th, 2021

    New Features:
  • Introduction of Historical Widgets in KPIs and Charts (Line Charts and Bar Charts).
  • Introduction of Cloning Feature in the Analytics Section.
  • Admin can Activate (or) Deactivate User's access to a project.

  • Version: 2.3.0

    Release Date: December 4th, 2020

    New Features:
  • User can edit their profile.
  • User can be removed from the system.
  • Admin can activate or deactivate users' organizations'.
  • Downlink data can be sent in the body of the downlink URL.

  • Bug Fix:
  • Fixed the UI/UX issues.

  • Version: 2.2.0

    Release Date: October 15th, 2020

    New Features:
  • Introduction of three widget types - KPI, chart and table.
  • Implementation of current time widget.
  • Table for device historical data to improve performance.
  • Server-side rendering of device historical data to improve performance.
  • Implementation of login security.
  • Security fixes of s3 bucket configuration.

  • Bug Fix:
  • Fixed the code editor in device setup section.
  • Fixed the loader issue in device historical data.
  • Fixed the log-out functionality.
  • Authorization schema properly implemented.
  • Table widgets issue fixed.
  • Correction of error message.
  • Maximum of 10 widgets can be added in a single page of analytics section.

  • Version: 2.1.0

    Release Date: June 17th, 2020

    What's new:

  • The ability to send controller downlinks to a Device
  • The ability to view Device Details of a Device.
  • The ability to create cluster line chart widgets.
  • The ability to define fields as Parameter Queries or Headers in the network downlink configuration.
  • Bug Fixes.

  • Version: 2.0

    Release Date: April 1st, 2020

    What's new:

  • Setup – It includes Device Type or Hardware, Solution, Network, Mobile App Config, Labels. This is the section where user can configure the device types or hardware, solution, add network, add mobile applications and the labels required for configuration.
  • Users – User List, Invite new user, Projects list of User, Cluster Allotment and the Projects Allotment to the users.
  • Projects – This section consists of functionality where users can add projects. The projects details section has the dashboard, clusters, devices used in the respective clusters of the project, analytics section, reports, alert management and notifications.
  • License – It includes the license management of the system. The user will be able to view the license details and update it as well on expiry.
  • Accounts Management – The user will be able to switch accounts and manage projects present in the respective accounts.